Mike Pieciak Endorsed by Professional Firefighters of Vermont

For Immediate Release
Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Isaac Dayno
e: isaac@mikeforvermont.com 
c: 802.299.6121



Montpelier, Vt. — Democratic candidate for Treasurer Mike Pieciak has received the unanimous endorsement of the Professional Firefighters of Vermont, PFFV A49 AFL-CIO.

In announcing their support, the union’s president, Chris Dube, said, “Retirement and pensions are of great importance to our members, and having someone who is a strong proponent of protecting these plans is of utmost importance to us. Mike Pieciak is that proponent, and Mike will be a strong advocate for retirement with dignity as our next Vermont State Treasurer.”

Pieciak praised the work of the union and Vermont’s firefighters and said he was honored to receive their support: “Our firefighters put themselves in harm’s way to protect our communities, our homes, our businesses. We need to have their back, too. That’s why I was proud to work on strengthening our public pension system as a member of the Pension Task Force and now as a candidate for Treasurer.”

Mike Pieciak was most recently the Commissioner of the Department of Financial Regulation, the state’s consumer financial watchdog agency. Under his direction, the Department recouped millions of dollars for Vermont taxpayers and investigated the Jay Peak fraud. Gov. Phil Scott tapped Pieciak to help lead Vermont’s Covid-19 response efforts, where he directed the State’s pandemic data analysis and modeling. He lives in Winooski with his partner.


For more about Mike Pieciak’s campaign, visit mikeforvermont.com or email media@mikeforvermont.com


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