Mike Pieciak Endorsed by the LGBTQ+ Victory Fund

Winooski, VT - Treasurer Mike Pieciak has received the endorsement of the LGBTQ+ Victory Fund, a political organization dedicated to supporting pro-equality, pro-choice, out LGBTQ+ candidates at all levels of government.

In announcing their support, Mayor Annise Parker, President and CEO of LGBTQ+ Victory Fund, said, “LGBTQ+ Victory Fund is pleased to endorse Mike Pieciak for Vermont State Treasurer.

“Mike’s commitment to investing in the issues that are important to Vermonters has already made a meaningful difference for Vermonters. We are confident that he will continue to deliver results in his second term.”

Pieciak praised the LGBTQ+ Victory Fund’s work and said he was honored to receive their support: “Growing up, I could not have imagined that someone like me would ever be able to serve Vermont as a statewide elected official. Now, thanks to the work of organizations like the Victory Fund, LGBTQ+ candidates are winning up and down the ballot. As one of Vermont’s first openly gay Treasurer, I am honored to have their support.

“Vermont has made great strides in improving LGBTQ+ representation, but more work is needed to build a more equitable economy. Right now, 27% of LGBTQ+ Vermonters live in poverty and are twice as likely to experience food insecurity. AS Treasurer, I am committed to improving the financial well-being of all Vermonters.” 

Mike Pieciak was sworn in as Treasurer in 2023. Under his direction, the Treasurer’s office has made historic investments in housing, climate resilience, and rebuilding the middle class.


Statement from Mike Pieciak - Democratic Nominee for Treasurer 


Mike Pieciak’s Statement on President Biden’s Withdrawal and Endorsement of Vice President Harris